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驻马店市长香芝麻油有限公司作为某些知名品牌的原油直供商,我公司始终倡导诚信和质量至上,良心保证原料、卫生及各流程的品质,真正做到0香精0色素0化学添加剂。现面向网络,携手采购商实现双赢。欢迎电话咨询及来厂考察。 我公司成立于2006年,是一家生产优质芝麻油的专业公司,年产量近5000吨。加工设备先进产品质量稳定,严格按照国家芝麻油质量标准GB8233-2008生产,天然纯正的品质广受消费者欢迎。采用压榨法生产的产品很好地保护了天然营养成分,经权威研究报告分析,各项理化指标和氧化稳定性更好。香油是驻马店具有悠久历史的传统地方特色产品,其盛名可追溯至宋朝,成品具有枣红莹亮、香浓醇正的特点。保持传统特色、追求质量是我们立足于市场的成功之本,以质量赢天下,以质量胜市场。 河南省驻马店市地处中原淮河流域,素有“中原粮仓”、“豫南油库”和“芝麻王国”之称,该市的平舆县是我国芝麻生产第一大县,被国务院命名为“中国白芝麻生产基地”, 2003年经国家质检总局审查批准列为国家原产地保护产品。特殊的地理气候条件,造就了驻马店白芝麻的优良品质,成为中国芝麻品种重要的资源库。 在世界上四个芝麻主产国中,中国芝麻单产高总产量最大、品质最优,具有香味独特、营养丰富、药用价值高等特点。中外食品界、营养界、医学界等争相将芝麻列为“保健产品”、“功能食品”、“绿色食品”。 芝麻富含亚麻酸和维生素E,有护嗓、补血、润肠、养发、促进新陈代谢、降血脂、防止衰老,延年益寿等功效。 Our company, professional of high quality sesame oil, was founded in 2006, the annual output of which is nearly 5000 tons. Advanced mechanical equipment makes steady quality, which is in strict accordance with the national quality standard of sesame oil production GB8233-2008. They’re popular with customers for pure and health. The squeezing method in the process is helpful to protect natural nutrients. According to the authoritative study analysis, the physical and chemical indicators and oxidation stability are better in that way.This traditonal product has a long history and local characteristics at the same time. Its fame can be traced back to Song Dynasty. Red clear bright, fragrant and mellow characteristics are attractive. Carrying forward the traditional features and pursuing high quality are two hands to win market , to win the world. Zhumadian in Henan province is located in the central plains of Huaihe River, well known as the" Central granary ", "South of Henan oil depot" and "sesame kingdom" . Pingyu county, China's largest county of sesame production, is in this area. It was named as "Chinese white sesame production base" by the State Council. In 2003, after the examination and approval of the State administration of quality supervision, it got national origin product protection. Special geographical climate conditions, creating good quality of white sesame seeds in Zhumadian, which makes it an important repository of sesame varieties in China. Of four sesame countries in main producing areas in the world, China’s takes advantage of the largest yields output, best quality, unique taste, nutritious and high medicinal value. Chinese and foreign food industry, nutrition, medical and other competing fields classified it as "health care product" ,"functional food", "green food". Sesame seeds are rich in linolenic acid and Vitamin E, protecting throat, blood, intestines, hair, promoting metabolism, reducing blood lipid, preventing aging and so on.
  • 所在地区:河南省驻马店市
  • 行业分类:
  • 企业类型:有限责任公司
  • 注册资金:1000万人民币[RMB]
  • 经营方式:生产型
  • 员工人数:11-50人
  • 地址:河南省 驻马店市 驿城区 关王庙工业园创业大道北6号
  • 邮编:463000
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